Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween from my Itsy Bitsy Spiders!

Our candy bowl was out by 7pm.

October 30, 2012

Carving my pumpkin

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012

Luna napping on my legs.... LOVE

October 28, 2012

 Daddy is letting Luna sit on the couch... naughty naughty........

Hurricane Sandy....... no school tomorrow!

October 27, 2012

 more fall leaves.......... love the red, orange and yellow on this one!

Chinese food fortunes


Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 26, 2012

Andrew bought Luna an outside kennel with a tarp and doghouse so she can stay out during the day.  He did an awesome job. We needed something incase he gets sent to the ship and I'm gone 10 hours a day.

October 25, 2012

Andrew and I went to taco bell.  He played the game to win a free burrito.. and played again to win free cinna-twists.  He was all into it!

October 24, 2012

My kids make at least one hat a week.  This week we made Apple Hats to practice writing their upper and lower case letter A's. They are CUTE kids when they're not tattling and crying!

October 23, 2012

We have been keeping Luna penned up in the kitchen while we're gone for more than 3 hours.  Well Andrew put the blinds on top of her kennel so she wouldn't chew them up.  Well, she pulled her kennel away from the window, the blinds fell, and here is the end result!  I told everyone this was real life "Marley and Me" !!

October 22, 2012

My students write me sweet love notes and draw me pictures all the time. 
I had to photograph the spelling of my name on this one!

October 21, 2012

I was running errands today and saw these gorgeous trees in the K-mart parking lot.  
I HAD to stop and take photos.  
These leaves were incredible with the lines of chlorophyll!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 20, 2012

Cinders in the sun

 Pumpkin chocolate chip balls

October 19, 2012

 Luna got into the newspaper!
And chewed up her shock collar... she must not like it!

Sunset over the Atlantic Ocean

October 18, 2012

For an S I make, just a curvy little snake.

October 17, 2012

Luna is 3 months big today! 23 pounds now.

October 16, 2012


October 15, 2012

Don't know........... :(  Second time this month I must've forgotten... me = slacking

October 14, 2012

Prayer Board is updated with new photos.

Me in hat with Luna

October 13, 2012

Pumpkins are out! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 12, 2012

Baking/Cooking new recipes!
Lasagna rolls and pumpkin crunch cake... they were YUMMY!

October 11, 2012

M is for Monkey Hats!!!!

October 10, 2012

I honestly don't think I took a photo :(

October 9, 2012

Daddy in camo and Luna :)

October 8, 2012

Took Luna to the vet... poor baby had a bladder infection

October 7, 2012

We saw TAKEN 2....... was good :)

October 6, 2012

Spent a few hours at Busch Gardens

October 5, 2012

Luna in the leaves.. my new favorite photo!!!

October 4, 2012

Met with Tish, another Navy wife and went out for dinner and gelato!
I had a mix of coconut cream with cookies and cream cheesecake... OH MY!

October 3, 2012

Got a package from Jilayna, a pretty scarf ... 
congraulations for my new house, job, and puppy!

October 2, 2012

Luna and her jug that is way to big for her!

October 1, 2012

Luna is chillin' on the kitchen floor.

September 30, 2012

 Smart Car with Jilayna's name on it!

And a pretty pretty leaf!  Fall is here...

September 29, 2012

 Luna got a toy from Katie and Tony; she loves it!

Made a reese's smore today!  Oh... my... YUM!