Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

popcorn :)

October 3, 2010

new fall coat and fall candle decoration... love it!

October 2, 2010

Pumpkins out - Movie Easy A

October 1, 2010

coin wars........ Atomic Penny bomb

September 30, 2010

WEC fight at Broomfield 1st Bank Center

September 29, 2010

sparkle shirt and sandals

September 28, 2010

CJ's transformer... FRANK

September 27, 2010

Jilayna has been sending me old photos....
I'm inspired to begin scanning my own :)

September 26, 2010

don't know.......... :(

September 25, 2010

mountain drive to Silverthorne

September 24, 2010

chiropractor and teaching license.... much accomplished!

September 23, 2010


September 22, 2010

Scholastic Book Fair... I love parents that donate books!

September 21, 2010

Uncle Dan had an accident at work and had to have
heart surgery. I stole this from Josh's FB but even
under the dire circumstances he's "raising the roof!"

September 20, 2010

Eddie and Jilayna...
oh how I love picture text messages!

September 19, 2010

Bath and Body Works... new candles and lotion today,
thanks for the coupon Monica!

September 18, 2010

Windy driving in the Jeep but can't complain
because it's 80 degrees and mid-September!

September 17, 2010

Donuts for Dad's.....

The Town (movie)

September 13-16, 2010

I SUCK and haven't taken pictures... I'm so dissapointed in myself, i'm slacking...