Sunday, August 29, 2010

September 1, 2010

King Tut Exhibit at the Denver Art Museum

August 31, 2010

Andrew got his MacBook Pro....

August 30, 2010

my Cinders... she found a new special spot :)

August 29, 2010

I got my early birthday gift from Andrew...
a much needed new camera :)

August 28, 2010

Saturday = movie day
Takers... not bad at all!

August 27, 2010

after dinner and game night with Monica and Adam

August 26, 2010

my sweet kitty trying to get us to love her!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 25, 2010

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night for COY
Mrs. Lovely, Ms. Bates and Ms. Yi

August 24, 2010

One of my sweet students, we're working on our first
writing piece of the year titled: In These Shoes.....

August 23, 2010

Our 'delivery' from Admiral Drake from
Antarctica is ready for delivery tomorrow!

August 22, 2010

Fishing at the Aurora Reservoir

August 21, 2010

It's a rental....

August 20, 2010

Yogurtland... we got to sit in the back of the jeep and
enjoy it.....Andrew got what he thought
was 15 bites but it turned out to be about 30! :)

August 19, 2010

A full class picture... all my students finally at school!

AUgust 18, 2010

Dragon fly outside my classroom this morning.

August 17, 2010

totally can't remember???? oh no!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 16, 2010

First day of School!!!

Andrew got the job at Pine Creek HS... YES!!!!
I bought him (and I) flowers :)

August 15, 2010

We saw The Other Guys... lame
Don't waste your money!

August 14, 2010

Ready for the kids on Monday! (not Tuesday)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 13, 2010

Back to school night - our 3rd grede team
ready to be introduced to the school!

Happy Birthday Amy E!
Mustache night at the Rockies Game!!!
Stella, Julia and myself

August 12, 2010

Andrew haircut + me = REALLY big SMILE!

August 11, 2010

My last minute creation... some books about
3rd grade and our MonSTAR of the Week corner!

August 10, 2010

MonSTAR Homework Wall... finished :)

August 9, 2010

getting my room ready!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010

Andy spent the day fishing with Dan,
so i spent some time finishing up my classroom
and then i began writing my postcards to send
to my new students this week!

August 7, 2010

We saw StepUp 3 today... it was Sweeeeeeeeeeet!!!!

August 6, 2010

YOGURTLAND!! Bree introduced me to this delictable
buffet-style yogurt shop!! And they have mini cheesecake
bites!! yum-yum :)

August 5, 2010

I bought a red vase at Ross and tall reeds at the
Dollartree to finish off my project! LOVE IT!!

August 4, 2010

We made this delicious pasta - Penne noodles,
with broccoli, asparagus, and cauliflower, tossed
in alfredo sauce!

August 3, 2010

Dan celebrating his victory!
He passed his Physical Training test for the
Aurora Fire Department!

August 2, 2010

We started watching a new show...
Friday Night Lights!
We bought the first season so I hope we like it!

August 1, 2010

The final product after my pillow inspired wall
decor... love it! I'm not on the hunt for a vase!